Meet our three martial arts
Kung Fu

Kung Fu 功夫
The term Kung Fu denotes “mastery by effort” or “hard worker” and is used to describe all those who work hard to achieve mastery of an art and themselves. The Martial art is actually called “Kune Fa” 拳法 which means Fist Method; the colloquial term used most often in Canada is Kung Fu. Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art with a spiritual dimension, stemming from concentration and discipline. There are several styles of this art.
Our Kung Fu system is named Ng Ying Kune 五形拳 (five form fist) it integrates the movements and fighting styles of five distinct animals: the Tiger, the Leopard, the Dragon, the Crane, and the Snake. It also contains several weapon forms, breathing exercises and body conditioning.
Ng Ying Kune 五形拳
Each of the forms of this style is a complete system in itself. Each animal style develops different aspects of the body and mind:
- 豹 The leopard teaches agility and strength.
- 龍 The Dragon reveals your inner strength and shows you how to ride the wind.
- 虎 The Tiger strengthens bones and muscles.
- 鶴 The Crane is a form of vitality, endurance, balance and precise counter-attack.
- 蛇 The Serpent brings them all together, develops Chi, precision and timing.
In addition, each animal form has its own fighting strategy – the leopard, for example, is particularly effective against small opponents.
Our system is not limited to animal forms only. It also contains Tiet Hsin Kune 鐵線拳 (Iron Wire Fist), which is a form of conditioning that directly targets tendons. Some of the weapons taught are the following:
- 少林鏢 Shaolin Spear
- 關刀 Guan Dao (The pole weapon carried by the legendary General Guan Yu)
- 少林劍 Shaolin Broadsword
- 少林劍双 Shaolin Double Broadsword
- 蝴蝶刀 Butterfly sword

Karate 空手
Karate, translated to “empty hand”, descended from southern Quan Fa, originated on the island of Okinawa, spread to Japan in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and then to the rest of the word; today there is Japanese Karate, American Karate, Chinese Karate and others. It is also known as Karate Do. Do means “road / path / way” and is used to denote that the art is primarily a meditative practice, and secondarily a fighting system.
Karate is generally considered to be a powerful stand-up striking art, however a large portion of the art’s more advanced applications involve locks and throws; moves which are more associated with jujutsu.
Okinawa Goju Ryu
Goju Ryu, meaning “hard soft style” , was given this name due to it’s use of strong linear strikes and soft circular blocks and movements. The name was taken from a poem in the book the Bubishi. The poem is sometimes called “Kenpo Hakku” and is essentially the “8 Rules for the Study of the Fist Way”.
The passage reads: 法 剛 柔 吞 吐 “The method of Hard and Soft is the same as Swallow and Spit.”
In southern Quan Fa systems, two of the core principles are Swallow and Spit – these are not meant literally. Instead they reference two methods of movement; each taking years to do well.
Many martial arts are either hard or soft and so for one art to have both makes it a complex and formidable art.
Jujutsu 柔術
Jujutsu, means ‘gentle art’ and is characterized by it’s grappling, locks, and throws, but also utilizes strikes when necessary. This is because it comes from the empty handed or weaponless combat systems of the Samurai. Forged in feudal Japan, jujutsu arts are effective self-defence systems. Only after long hours of hard training does it become apparent why it’s called ‘gentle’.
Jutsu translates to “art / technique / skill” and is used when the primary focus of the training is application.
Yamanaka Ha Shindo Ryu
Shindo Ryu Jujutsu is a unique and powerful system that descends from Hironori Ohtsuka Sensei who is the founder of Wado Ryu Karate. Ohtsuka Sensei started training Yoshin-Ryu Jujustu at the age of 13, and Shotokan Karate at age 30. Masaru Shintani Sensei was a direct student of Ohtsuka Sensei and was named the Head of Wado Ryu Karate in Canada.
Yamanaka Sensei trained directly under Shintani Sensei for many years and was awarded the rank of Kudan (9th Degree) in Shindo Ryu Jujustu.

Try a Martial Arts Class - Free!
Make an appointment to take a free Karate, Kung Fu, or Jujutsu class in Barrie. Click here to find the best way to contact us.
Points to know for your first class:
- There is a document to fill in, arrive 15 minutes early for the first time
- Sportswear or loose fitting clothing
- Water bottle
- Training is done barefoot
Barrie BJJ Brazillian Jiu-jitsu classes in Barrie
Offering BJJ sessions in Barrie for 1st Responders, Front Line Workers, and a civilian program.
Click here for more details